William Michaelian

Poems, Notes, and Drawings

Tag Archive for ‘Words’

Blood to the Toes

The sunflowers aren’t quite to the skeletal stage, but with the frost upon them, their flesh is rapidly melting away. The birds still come, the scrub jays, nuthatches, and finches. It’s a talkative town, but in stark, fleet moments there’s a blackening sense of the approaching end of conversation, and of new beginnings that must wait their turn in the ground. . If I’m discovered to be mad, what of […]

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Smile and Nod

How does a child learn to lie? It’s in the air, it’s in your eye. Word-drift. Intonation. Body language. Sigh. And when, a short time later, is disbelieved, is brought to deceive, little by little, by and by. . We were on a first-name basis. Now we just smile and nod when the wind blows. . Read the thirty-seventh chapter of Middlemarch. Moved daffodils from the plastic pot they’d bloomed […]

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If It Had A Name

If it had a name — but, thank goodness, it’s beyond all that. Epigraph, Chapter 14, Middlemarch: Follows here the strict receiptFor that sauce to dainty meat,Named Idleness, which many eatBy preference, and call it sweet:First watch for morsels, like a hound,Mix well with buffets, stir them roundWith good thick oil of flatteries,And fresh with mean self-lauding lies.Serve warm: the vessels you must chooseTo keep it in are dead men’s […]

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Sweet Asylum

Dripping maples, full birdbaths, flowers bowing their heads. Since yesterday morning, the temperature hasn’t gone up or down more than two degrees. We leave the house open. Last night, we could hear the crickets. Rain or no rain, now is their time. Thoreau’s journal, February 1854. One day, he followed the tracks of a fox in the snow over a mile. No phone, no map, no app. Strolling vs. scrolling. […]

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In Other Words

When I grow up, I’ll be a responsible essayist. I’ll solve the world’s problems, one by one. Then I’ll invent new ones. I’ll also sell subscriptions. Until then, I’ll be an irresponsible poet and doodler. I’ll be a dooet and poetler. I’ll also sell inflictions. When everyone’s well, I’ll say they’re ill. And when they’re ill, I’ll say I welled them. I’ll have blog security. I’ll be avoided from miles […]

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True Blue

We threw our words overboard, only to find that they’d become anchors, and that our ship wouldn’t move; then they became fish: we cast a great net: around it they swam, and through; they leap’d to the heavens, were shimmering stars in the blue; then one by one they fell; they’re falling still; and each that lands is true. . [ 1801 ]

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Old by Then

Each time they met, they bowed to one another and uttered not a word. They were old by then. When one of them died, they went on bowing just the same. And somehow when the other died, their bowing remained. Cane in hand, I thought, I’ve known men who were just like trees. . [ 1794 ]

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One of Those Things

Silence isn’t “one of those things.” It’s always present, and it never ends. What ends is our attention. Fortunately, silence is always there when we return. I wouldn’t say it’s waiting, but, then again, who knows, it might be. We can say all sorts of things about silence. We can say it pours like honey, Or that it melts like chocolate. We might liken it to the depths of the […]

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